It was a night of action, adventure and excitement. For everyone, except me.
Later in the evening I picked up a nice family out of El Lay from Safeway back to Wailea. They expressed an interest in living on Mau'i when they reached their sunset years. I told them that it is not as idyllic as it seems from a tourist POV. On any given day 100 people move here from the mainland. One year later maybe 1 of those is still on Mau'i. They can't adapt to the culture shock. We are the richest "third world" nation and the operative phrase is "THIRD WORLD". The way things run here is like nowhere else in America. I've harped on this before, as my regular readers are aware. Mau'i is not Lodi nor Springfield and is definitely not El Lay, "Shy Town" or NYC. Anyone thinking about living here should probably take an extended leave-of-absence before selling the ol' family estate. Come and rent a place for a year before casting your lot. This way you have something to fall back on when everything goes to hell-in-a-handbasket.
Well, I made it through the week. I sure hope this Quasimodo hunchbacked stance I've developed starts fading over my days off.
I know, I know. Life's a bitch and then you die.
Thank you!!
Thank you very much!
the pleasure is mine
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